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  • [Registrant] : 勝浦警察署
  • [Language]日本語
  • [TEL]0470-73-0110
  • [Location]千葉県 勝浦市
  • Posted : 2024/03/25
  • Published : 2024/03/25
  • Changed :2024/03/25
  • Total View : 357 persons

Beware of suspicious phone calls !.

STOP ! Phone de scam !
Phone de scam scam calls are occurring in the Katsuura Police Station area.
The scammer claims to be your son and says
"I need some cash and I want you to get it for me."
and they will call you and try to get your precious money.
Even if you think you are not being scammed, your son will call you and say, "I am in trouble. I need your help."
If your son calls you and says, "I'm in trouble, please help me," you may not be able to make a calm decision. If he talks about "money" on the phone, please calm down and consult with the police first.

515-6 Sawakura, Katsuura-shi, Chiba 299-5231
515-6 Sawakura, Katsuura-shi, Chiba
Katsuura Police Station, Chiba Prefecture, Community Safety Division
Telephone 0470 ( 73 ) 0110

Vivinavi - Notification from Municipality

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